Date : 11-08-2020


TCG CREST, a not-for-profit research institute, has been started by Dr. Purnendu Chatterjee, the Chairman of The Chatterjee Group. It aspires to be a top translational research centre of the world and thereby unleash the true potential of Indian scientific talent.   Its multiple high technology verticals shall create strong networks with top global knowledge centres – universities, research institutions, technology innovators and academic communities. According to Prof. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, former Director of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, and now the Director of TCG CREST, “promoting a culture of continual knowledge exchange through joint research projects, student exchange, faculty exchange, collaborative workshops, seminars and colloquia shall be the cornerstone of this modern knowledge centre; and benefitting humanity with knowledge creation, knowledge application and knowledge dissemination shall be its primary mandate. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) has recognized it as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO).

The Institute for Advancing Intelligence, one of the verticals of TCG CREST, inaugurated its Doctoral Programme today in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cryptography and Security. It is being mentored by Dr. Bimal Roy, Professor and former Director of the Indian Statistical Institute, while Dr. Rajeeva Karandikar, Director of Chennai Mathematical Institute, will soon be taking charge. TCG CREST is one of the first Indian institutes in this pandemic affected year to start its fully online academic programme. State-of-the-art on-line educational technology has been adopted to provide a customized learning experience to the students. The incumbent research fellows underwent a rigorous selection process. Some of the selected research fellows attended the online classes from England, The Netherlands and Singapore. Dr. Arpita Maitra, a quantum cryptologist, gave the inaugural lecture to initiate the program.

